What's New

On this part of my website I'll tell what's new on my web site.
(Wednesday December 11, 2002 )
I fixed a code error that was not allowing anyone to get to my insulter webpage in my weird and cool webpages collection. So you can now go and let this webpage disrespect you how much you want.
Due to technical difficulties the games section though will not open until february 2003. I lost all the webppages I was working on so I have to start over.
I now will have to temporarily delete the educational section of my website so I can work on finishing the other sections. I also lost all the webpages I was working on for this section also.
(Friday October 11, 2002 )
This website has finally been opened..... IT's About time......
the games section though will not open until december 2002 that's the only thing that has to be completed. Try out any thing else. The cool weird webpages collection is my favorite.
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©2003 jb co.